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Investing in a Website Redesign? Here’s What You Should Know

Dwight Zahringer

A website redesign is no minor undertaking. It’s a collaborative effort between agency and partner that requires strategy, creativity, and meticulous execution. Beyond pixels and codes, the foundation of a successful redesign lies in the heart of your why.

Join us in this episode to discuss the critical pre-redesign considerations every site owner must know. We’ll break down the essentials, ensuring your redesigned website doesn’t just look better but performs better too.

Tips before investing in a website redesign

Determine why

Before jumping into the redesign, an essential question is why is this website redesign necessary — is it to come up with the times and have newer, more modern software, restore a better user experience, or revise the design? All are valid reasons and should be known before starting this process.

Assess what your company truly needs. Is it just a visual refresh, or are you looking to optimize backend performance? Your goals will directly influence the skill sets required.

Task allocation & open communication

The world of web design and development has grown expansively complex. Gone are the days when a lone webmaster could manage everything. A cohesive team thrives on open communication. Foster an environment where ideas are freely exchanged, feedback is constructive, and each member understands their role and responsibilities. This helps prevent misunderstandings and keeps the project on track.

Additionally, ensure the process agreed upon with the agency is followed. Content and image assets typically add more delays than you would think. With a capable team member, this could cut the weight down significantly.


Think of it as mapping out a road trip through some new cities. While you’ve got the big stops planned, like the design and hosting fees, don’t forget those unexpected detours: the little tweaks post-launch or that coffee you’ll buy for the training on new systems. Like any road trip, you’ll want some extra change for the unexpected pit stops. Having a solid invest plan is like having a trusty GPS – it keeps things clear, helps you avoid those “uh-oh” moments, and ensures you get the most bang for your buck. Safe travels on your redesign journey!

Bonus: Post-launch strategy

The redesign process doesn’t end when the website goes live. You need a team for post-launch support, adjustments based on user feedback, and ongoing optimization.

While tools, technology, and aesthetics play a crucial role in website redesign, the linchpin of success is the team behind it. Invest in the right talents, foster a collaborative environment, and watch the evolving digital landscape to ensure your redesigned website stands the test of time.

We’re Here to Help

Don’t hit ‘refresh’ on your website without tuning in first to this Perfect Afternoon Morning Show podcast episode!

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