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Website Optimization: Why SEO Is Key To Your Digital Strategy

SEO Strategist Gary Jones
Gary Jones

SEO and website optimization remain incredibly important to business planning and will remain the same in the immediate future. 2023 will see an upswing in the number of companies looking to produce as much yield as possible from limited resources.

Marketing budgets look to be squeezed during another year of uncertain economic factors governing the world of finance. With that in mind, website search engine optimization will be one of the tools businesses will use to provide further growth while trimming down budgets. For companies that have yet to dip their toes into the world of SEO, there will be plenty of space to grow, and for those already involved, the ever-changing landscape of Google and its algorithms means they will have much to improve.

What other driving factors will influence SEO website optimization and digital strategies, and how will they help to shape the next 12 months? 

SEO website optimization is key to digital planning & success

The goal of SEO remains the same — to push a website as high up the search results appearing on Google as possible. 

What has changed over the last few years is what else search engine optimization services can provide in addition to getting higher search result rankings. SEO can answer the usual question of who is coming to your website, where they are coming from, and what times of the week you can expect these visitors to arrive.

Still, SEO can also help to fill in the blanks of why someone has decided to use your product/service/website over others. Sometimes, this comes down to accessibility – a website appearing before others and offering a user-friendly experience.

Taking the mass of data and translating it into answers can help determine why a page is so popular when it isn’t ranking with its targeted keywords or phrases, unlocking that all-important knowledge surrounding intent. Google has spent the past year working towards making the consumer/user the center of digital intent by launching updates like August 2022’s “helpful content update.” 

The tech giant has provided some key indicators for the coming year: they want less focus on building content for Google and more on delivering engaging content that pulls users in due to its quality. This means businesses need to understand why someone is not visiting their website. That continued success will build growth and be a journey made easier for those who can work out the connections between their company and its digital user base.

Key questions for SEO website optimization

The key questions that SEO can help answer include the following:

  • Why are users visiting your website?
  • What’s their intent when accessing your services and products?
  • What are they looking for, and why does it matter to them?
  • Is your content fulfilling those needs, or are users finding answers elsewhere?
  • Does your website have a good user experience that lends toward some of Google’s most recent updates?

Here are some of the critical questions to ask an SEO company regarding what your company should be looking to achieve to maximize business:

  • Do you offer a quick and simple user experience that fits Google’s current quality guidelines?
  • Does your company have a laggy website that worries customers with its slow loading speeds?
  • Do you offer engaging content that draws attention and gives authority to your niche?
  • Do you look to be helpful and answer questions related to your field?
  • Does your content offer fresh and unique insights not found elsewhere?
  • Have you performed any recent research to stay updated with how people search for your products or services?

Let’s work together

SEO can be a challenging area of the web to master, and it can help to reach out to an experienced team like Perfect Afternoon for help. Our team can ensure that strategies fall behind and provide knowledge and assistance if your site needs to be spruced up, refreshed, or reviewed to ensure it stays compliant with Google’s ever-changing algorithm.

You can contact us today to work together to improve your website through SEO.

Photo Credit: Envato Elements

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