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Web Design Lessons You Can’t Ignore

Dwight Zahringer

Essential Web Design Lessons For Every Website

If you’re an eCommerce entrepreneur, you should know website design is crucial for the success of your business. Remember, your website is your storefront. Visiting your website is like entering your physical retail store for your customers. When starting a business, there are important web design lessons you can’t ignore.

You may not realize its importance yet, but without an excellent web design, your eCommerce business may not succeed as rapidly as you hope.

Excellent web design attracts your visitors and customers, enhances their experience of your site, and reflects the image and feel of your business, among others.

To have that web design, you must note some vital aspects. Here are some web design lessons you can’t ignore as an eCommerce entrepreneur.

Make your website mobile-responsive

Did you know mobile internet browsing has outranked desktop searches? Statistics show mobile devices account for 49 percent of website traffic.

Plus, this year, mobile phones will compose 34 percent of all U.S. eCommerce sales, and more than 61 million users in the U.S. will pay on mobile.

Recognizing the massive implication of mobile consumption, Google launched its mobile-first indexing. This means Google will now rank and index websites according to their mobile version. 

If your site is not mobile responsive, you might not rank high enough in SERPs for your customers to see you immediately. Your website may also be all messed up on mobile, even if it appears nice and orderly on desktop.

For instance, your logo could cover your header, and parts of your navigation menu extend below. Your header photos also don’t appear as a whole in one look.

When that happens, your customers may not immediately see what you want them to notice and miss your offers. 

They may even decide to leave, and you get fewer chances for conversion.

You can find multiple mobile-responsive themes online to match your brand identity. Adopting them for your websites is also seamless.

Remember, mobile responsiveness is crucial for your business’s success. It positively impacts your user experience, conversions, and SEO.

Keep design clean & impactful

Imagine this. 

When you open your physical retail store, you want it to look well-kept when your customers arrive. The same goes for your online store.

When your people visit your eCommerce website, you want it to look clean and have a powerful impact on them.

A clean design enables them to see your virtual store more clearly. An impactful one wows their eyes and captures their interest in staying.

Here are some tips to achieve a clean, impactful web design:

Focus on the most compelling elements

Avoid overloading your homepage with irrelevant photos, icons, and other elements. Too many separate features confuse your visitors and cause them to click away.

Instead, integrate only the most profitable and compelling ones. 

This draws visitors’ attention to conversion-driving elements, like your call-to-action (CTA) buttons.

Crisp Homepage
Crisp’s homepage has a clear call-to-action button & statement, drawing users to try the software for free.

Crisp achieved a clean and impressive homepage by applying plenty of white or uncrowded space and keeping their headline short.

They highlighted the important CTA buttons, “Get Started” and “Use Crisp for Free,” in bright blue, which complements their logo.

This draws their visitors’ eyes to focus and grasp their message (what their business is about), then to the CTA buttons.

Show professional-looking elements

The various elements on your website all contribute to a clean and impressive look.

One of the first elements you should consider is your eCommerce business logo.

A professional-looking logo design is critical for your website. 

After all, your logo gives your online store its name and identity. A well-designed logo also gives your audience the impression that you’re a legitimate eCommerce business.

Get the right graphic designers to work for you for a professional-looking design. You can find numerous of them online through platforms like LogoMyWay.

These graphic designers know best the right colors and attributes your logo must have to reflect your business image accurately. If your brand is weathered, consider revising your brand identity.

The clean design does not necessarily mean you should apply the modern minimalist style or a white background color. You can have a creative and colorful website that still appears neat and impactful, like this site by Bon Bon Bon:

Bon Bonn Homepage
Another clear example of a call-to-action button intrigues users to build their gift boxes.

Bon Bon Bon serves its customers a playful, exciting, and colorful feast for their eyes — yet, the homepage still looks cohesive.

Your website can be neat and artistic simultaneously as long as the design aligns with your company’s brand identity, leading us to the next point.

Project your brand identity

When your customers arrive at your eCommerce website, they’re not only looking for your products and services.

They’re also looking to discover your brand identity.

Whatever your eCommerce business is — whether it’s online courses, becoming a life coach, or drop shipping — your brand identity will be critical for your customers to know you better. 

Projecting your brand identity (through your logo, icons, colors, etc.) also lets potential customers know if you resonate with their interests and values.

It tells them they can associate themselves enough to support and buy your products. However, your customers won’t know their association with your brand if you don’t project your identity through your web design.

Your web design should present your identity clearly and consistently.

Bliss Homepage
Bliss provides customers with spa products, highlighting every product in their inventory.

Bliss is all about light, positive, and happy vibes and expresses them through pastel colors. You will also notice they maintain the blue-pink-violet color scheme throughout their site.

Customers are attracted to consistent branding. It lets them know who you are and makes them more likely to patronize your store.

Consider updates for increasing sales

These web design lessons are some aspects to apply when enhancing your website design. Website design is not only about aesthetics but also about your customers and brand and optimizing your website for sales and conversions.

In this way, website design helps contribute to your overall success and recognition as an eCommerce entrepreneur. Let us help you craft your perfect vision for your company’s website.

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