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How We Approach UX at PA

Lindsey Hart

The two scenarios from my previous post are simple regarding what we deal with daily at PA. We are huge proponents of focusing on the user experience process. There isn’t a single project where we aren’t dumping our brains into determining the target user’s best positioning, sizing, layout, or options.

Much of our UX planning and preparation work goes into working with data we can get from real users. We use data from:

  • Testing on a client’s existing website
  • Creating prototypes that we can run through
  • Curating user testing with focus groups where we guide them to accomplish specific tasks on an application
  • Monitoring users’ thought processes and difficulty/ease of handling the request

We are driven by data. It yields us information, fuels our decisions, and justifies our endeavors.

We can then make educated decisions on how a certain layout should be structured, where calls-to-action should be placed, and what type of information should be displayed (and in what hierarchy). These design elements all aim to please the user and give them a positive experience, ultimately increasing conversions whether that is filling out a web form, calling a phone number, or otherwise.

User Experience Process

This process breaks down into four steps:

Step 1: Collect

We collect information on current user behavior using heatmaps, screen recordings, and curated user testing.

Step 2: Evaluate

Our team evaluates all of the data collected and uses it to generate a list of improvements to alleviate user issues.

Step 3: Design

Based on this list and our general design direction, we conceptualize the look and feel of the new design and craft the agreed-upon page layouts.

Step 4: Present

Upon completing our work, we present the new design to you and walk you through what we created and why.

Why you need to focus on UX

If you’ve read my previous post, it should be very clear at this point how many benefits there are to offer a better online experience to your users. Great UX promotes conversion, which ultimately means more money for your business. It guides growth and brand trust, which is spread consciously and subconsciously through word-of-mouth referrals. It yields information that educates you on what your users need and how you can make them happier.

If you’re going to invest in a website, take your users’ experience seriously. If you don’t, your users will experience a feeling similar to walking into a retail store without a well-considered blueprint; the aisles and shelves are put where they are because they “look cool.” Like everything in life, you get what you put into it.

Enhance your website’s UX

PA would love nothing more than to help you cultivate the best user experience process for your current website. Shoot us a message detailing your pain points and how you want us to help!

Photo Credit: Envato Elements

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