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Google Core Update Audit

Dwight Zahringer

Core Update in May 2021

If you didn’t have more to worry about, you likely will need a Google Core Update Audit for your site, like now. Maintaining a website is tough enough with the 200+ signals Google considers. Recently, they confirmed that Core Web Vitals will become the latest ranking signal you’ll need to care about. If all goes as planned for their testing, this should take place in May 2021.

Do Google Core Web Vitals make a difference?

Ranking factors dictate the work an SEO will do on a website. Core Web Vitals is the criteria or factors Google is looking for on a website in terms of user experience. These will include how fast your website loads if it is secure and stable and how easy it is to interact with. Google says this will now be a top-level ranking factor and prioritizes pages that meet their expectation of you providing an awesome user experience.

Why should you care?

It’s paramount. Google does make mention of updates and stated this is a new ranking factor, so it’s a big deal. While exciting this could mean many updates and modifications to your website to make sure you fall in line with the forthcoming standards. Making this announcement months in advance? Ya, you better take note.

What should you do?

Right now, we are armed to handle this in a two-phase approach. The first is to have the Google Core Update Audit done on your site. This involves us utilizing a number of tools including Lighthouse, Chrome Dev tools, UX Report, Web Vitals Extension, Search Console, and PageSpeed Insights. From there, we review the data and overlap other factors. Now is the time to have a careful eye on your site structure, content, and weight, among other factors.

Part Two

Our report will show you a number of items to consider. It’s a time for action. Once they are completed and post-May Core Update, this audit should be repeated and compared.

Getting a Google Core Update Audit

If you are interested in taking advantage of our Site Audit service now, please fill out the SEO Audit form or contact your Account Manager. We anticipate having many to do in the next two months, so get your place in line sooner rather than later!

Primary Image: Envato Elements

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