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Gearing Up for HubSpot’s INBOUND 2023

Jailyn Glass, marketing manager at Perfect Afternoon
Jailyn Glass

As a marketing manager, I always juggle today’s demands with tomorrow’s plans. In our ever-changing industry, staying up-to-date is not just a preference but a necessity. It’s about merging the knowledge of present trends with anticipating what’s next, and the perfect event to learn is HubSpot’s INBOUND 2023 conference.

For the second year in a row, I’m taking my talents to Boston for the week to soak up everything related to HubSpot and marketing. I’ve also been fortunate enough to be chosen as a Correspondent, where I share my experience with my network. So, what exactly is it about INBOUND that sparks such anticipation?

As the event draws closer, my excitement grows, and here’s why.

Actress Viola Davis speaking at HubSpot's INBOUND 2022 in Boston, MA.
The incomparable Viola Davis, actress, speaking at HubSpot’s INBOUND 2022 conference in Boston, MA.

Marketing Magic Happening at INBOUND 2023

Year after year, INBOUND assembles a vibrant community of seasoned professionals, visionaries, and innovators for three days of insightful sessions, invaluable networking, and unforgettable experiences. As exhilarating as it is, it can also feel overwhelming. But the magic? It’s in what you make of it. Between the sessions, networking, lunch breaks, and soaking in Boston’s beauty, it’s essential to remember why you’re there.

For me, several priorities come to mind: meeting new partners and community members, seizing every opportunity, and gaining fresh insights or perspectives

Top Sessions on My List

The lineup for INBOUND 2023 has been nothing short of impressive, with topics ranging from the latest in SEO to the changing landscape of content marketing. Here are a few talks on my must-attend list:

Scaling Through Community and Connection

I’ve been following Morgan DeBaun, founder of Blavity Inc. and Afrotech, for years, so I’m elated to hear this discussion on how she built and continues to build community through her ventures. 

Community and connection are foundational elements in building lasting relationships and fostering trust. In today’s digital age, cultivating a genuine sense of community can differentiate brands, driving engagement and loyalty in unparalleled ways.

A Journey Across HubSpot’s Customer-Centric Operating Model

This is one of the only Deep Dive sessions (more intimate, enclosed-style discussions) I’ve been able to register for, so I’m pumped that it’s this one. This one will delve into the essence of a customer journey and how to craft one. The speakers will help us develop frameworks to connect strategy to execution and outcomes while learning how to leverage input metrics and leading indicators.

Crafting a Flawless Narrative: Lessons in Brand Building

Lastly, as marketers, we know and understand the importance of storytelling and how that attracts our audience. This session is an interview with Dr. Yvette Noel-Schure, who has  20+ years of experience helping shape the brands of some of the music industry’s biggest stars, including Beyonce. Yes, you read that right – she’s the adviser and publicist for none other than Mrs. Knowles-Carter (one of my favorite artists, by the way)! I also studied public relations in college, which feels like an excellent full-circle moment. 

Let the Countdown Begin for INBOUND 2023

We’re less than one week away; and though this isn’t my first INBOUND, the anticipation feels just as intense. With such a rich agenda, the event promises to be a transformative experience, sure to influence my strategies for the rest of the year and beyond. 

Here’s to new knowledge, connections, and boundless inspiration! Stay tuned to our social media channels for live updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses! 

If you want to watch the Main Stages sessions, where HubSpot executives, former baseball player Derek Jeter, and actress Reese Witherspoon will speak, head over to HubSpot’s YouTube channel starting Wednesday, September 6th at 10 a.m. EST.

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