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9 Landing Page Hacks to Increase Conversions

Dwight Zahringer

Landing Page Hacks

The average landing page conversion rate is 9.7%. If you’re not getting that kind of conversion, you’ve got problems. 

While landing pages are known to boost sales, you need to know the latest conversion optimization marketing tricks to stand out. Examining successful landing pages will give you a helpful map to understand which design elements work best right now.

Check out these nine nifty landing page hacks to increase your sales conversions. 

What’s a landing page hack? 

Don’t get confused between landing pages and homepages. Homepages are the first page of your website. Landing pages are separate web pages drawing attention to a particular product, promotion, or action. 

You should be aiming to increase conversions on these landing pages for more sales, enhanced data collection, and increased engagement. A landing page hack is a way to enhance landing page optimization with a trick or tweak to amplify conversion rates. 

Top-performing landing pages that use landing page hacks experience conversion rates of around 25%! Aiming to boost email signups on its landing page, Vidyard tested a landing page video. The software company found a video boosted its landing page conversion rate by 100%. That’s double the conversions with one simple landing page hack.

Use these 9 landing page hacks to increase conversions

So you’ve set up your landing pages, but you’re not seeing the engagement you hoped for.  Conversion optimization is simple with a few basic landing page optimization hacks. Test these different landing page conversion tricks to boost your sales and engagement. 

Landing page hack #1: Landing page video

Most marketers agree videos increase the time each web visitor spends on your pages.  Equally, a high percentage of marketers claim that video increases sales. 

Include a short video on your landing page. For best results, make sure it’s no longer than two minutes. Check out how video studio Richter Studios does it with their product videos page:

Richter Studios uses a clever landing page video to showcase their expertise, rather than just using text to explain. By doing so, they are showing what end-product their customers could get. 

Landing page hack #2: Outsource landing page design 

With 57 million Americans offering freelance services, you have your pick of landing page design experts.

When it comes to landing pages, customers will leave your site if the user experience is bad. Consider 95% of customers will leave sites that take up to five seconds to load. Don’t leave it to chance if you’re inexperienced at landing page design. The number of top-ranking industry leaders that are choosing to offer freelance services is increasing. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to find a highly-skilled designer to optimize your landing page

Landing page hack #3: A/B test your landing pages 

A/B testing is one of the most simple and reliable ways to work out which landing page design elements work. 

But what is A/B testing?

A/B testing involves testing two landing page elements against each other to see which performs best. You need to choose a landing page element and offer two test versions to different audience segments. The one that converts best is the landing page you use. For example, you may test whether a green call-to-action button works better than a red button. Test two landing pages for a set time to see which button leads to more sales. 

Check out how HubSpot used A/B testing. 

To test the effectiveness of backlinking, HubSpot removed all the links on one landing page and left links on the other. Results showed that removing links from middle-of-the-funnel (MoFu) landing pages had a conversion boost of 16% (Free Trials) and 28% (Demos).

Alternatively, consider Skinner Auctions.

By A/B testing images, the auction company boosted conversions by 28% simply by adding more images.

Landing page hack #4: Social proof

Social proof amplifies your credibility. 

That’s why 37% of the top-performing landing pages boast at least one testimonial. Increasing your credibility can drive conversion optimization by 48%, so think about how you can flaunt social proof.

Using real social images, a five-star rating system, and reviews, Futurekind establishes a solid reputation for quality with each testimonial.

The vitamin company also uses pictures of real faces to foster credibility and trust. Since images of faces get twice as much engagement, try integrating customer images into your landing page. 

Landing page hack #5: Click-through landing pages

Click-through landing pages are sometimes referred to as “multi-step lead capture.”

Contrary to popular belief, click-through landing pages can convert 300% better than lead capture forms. Yet despite this, 62.6% of landing pages still feature lead generation forms. Instead, use a call-to-action button that leads to a sign-up form or payment gateway on the next page. Don’t be afraid to break the process down into a few steps.

Look how Elemental Labs does this:

simple landing page

A simple landing page displays the product and invites web visitors to buy the product with the click of a button. This button leads to a sales page where buyers can customize their purchase preferences.

Landing page hack #6: Landing page games

Interactive content is much more effective at engaging prospective customers than static content. Since an engaged web visitor is 4x more likely to accept branded messaging, it’s smart to use interactive elements.

See how Solitaired uses interactive games on its landing page:

games website

Rather than opting for a homepage, the games website encourages users to dive right in. The landing page has a fully-operational game for users to enjoy without any commitments. 

Landing page hack #7: Targeted product pages

91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that recommend products relevant to them. With this in mind, you should be sending your target audience to relevant landing pages. Use product pages as landing pages for recommended products. Direct customers to relevant sales pages using featured recommendations in email marketing campaigns and social media ads. 

Check out how LFA Capsule Fillers leads customer directly to relevant product pages:

Shoppers can immediately purchase the recommended product, customized size, and quantity preferences. To enhance your conversion rate by 148%, add a sale or promotion to your product landing page.

Landing page hack #8: Show your product in action

When users hit your landing page, they are interested in one thing: learning how your product or service works and why it is valuable to them.

One of the best ways to both show and tell is by showcasing your product or service in action. For example, using screenshots to display your actual virtual tool. Or product images of people interacting with your physical product. 

Virtually speaking, Contact Monkey, an internal newsletter tracking software, is a great example of this:

By showcasing actual report data from their tool, users know what to expect when they sign up. 

Giving clear insight into the tool’s features and capabilities, someone can quickly glance at the product screenshots and see if they fulfill their needs. Want more conversions? Show your product or service in action. 

Landing page hack #9: Location-Based

Local marketing and landing pages go hand in hand. Loganix is a prime example of this, creating landing pages for different cities they operate in. This allows them to corner the market in their local area, rather than targeting such a heavily competitive keyword like SEO services in general.

Using long-tail, location variants, it better serves the needs of local customers and can tailor the specific landing page copy towards residents. This has benefits for both personalization and localization. 


Now that you’ve got nine epic landing page hacks up your sleeve to optimize your landing pages, you’ll have no problem driving conversions. Remember not to clutter the page. Test which of these elements works and improve the quality of one of two.

Primary Image Source: Envato Elements.

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