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Power Up Your Business with 7 Digital Marketing Tips

Jailyn Glass, marketing manager at Perfect Afternoon
Jailyn Glass

In today’s hyper-digital age, the online landscape is vast and ever-changing, making it challenging for businesses to navigate. As the competition grows fiercer by the day, understanding the nuances of digital marketing becomes paramount. That’s why, in a recent podcast episode, Dwight and Jailyn deep dive into 7 digital marketing tips for businesses for every entrepreneur, marketer, and business owner to leverage.

7 Digital Marketing Tips for Businesses

If you missed the episode or prefer a quick read, here’s a breakdown of what we covered.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The magic of Search Engine Optimization increases your visibility and ensures you reach audiences genuinely interested in your offer.

Content Marketing

Compelling content remains king. It’s not just about producing content. It’s about telling a story that resonates with pain points that your audience has, engages, and converts to your company’s goals.

Social Media

One of the most powerful tools, there’s no denying that companies and businesses must have a presence on these platforms. From TikTok’s fast-paced world to LinkedIn’s professional corridors, building a community and fostering genuine connections are key. Choosing the right platforms is essential.

Public Relations

With managing the flow of information between an organization and its audiences, public relations is not merely about media releases or damage control. It’s about storytelling, reputation management, and creating a narrative that resonates with an audience, fostering trust and understanding.

Email Marketing

A well-crafted email can do wonders. It’s direct, personal, and, when done right, incredibly effective. It’s also one of the best ways to create content that you own to promote your products and/or services, giving your audience an exclusive view into news and specials if you organize your strategy to be like this.

Paid Advertising

With the organic and earned media approaches underway, it’s time to explore the power of targeted ads, like Google Ads, Meta (Facebook & Instagram), LinkedIn Ads, TikTok Ads, etc. In a world where data is abundant, understanding and leveraging that data can mean the difference between a failed campaign and a viral success.

Analytics: Feedback & Engagement

Now that you’re posting for your business, it’s time to look at the performance of these strategies. Engaging with audiences, understanding their needs, and iterating based on feedback supercharges any strategy. Additionally, seeing the metrics, like clicks, conversions, etc., can help you understand how it’s performing and the direction you can take next.

Take Your Marketing to the Next Level

Digital marketing isn’t about throwing content into the vast ocean of the internet; it’s about strategic moves, understanding audiences, and meaningful engagement. These insights promise a fresh perspective if you’re at the start of your digital journey or revisiting your strategies.

Don’t just take our word for it; tune into the full episode, 7 Digital Marketing Tips for Businesses, to hear more. Subscribe and leave a review if the content resonates with you. If you’re ready to see how Perfect Afternoon can be the right partner for you, then contact us today!

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