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2024 SEO Checklist

Dwight Zahringer

Optimize your website for 2024 with our SEO Checklist

Is there ever a better time than now for your new SEO checklist? With the recent announcement of a major Google Core Update (March 2024) there is never been a better time to take note and, of course: action.

I always think about health and things I can do to improve my life. Sometimes a “kick in the rear” makes me take action (usually putting on some old dress clothes). I reconsider the daily habits that contribute to success and the lack thereof.

Time for a health check for your SEO.

SEO Checklist for 2024

SEO tools

  • Audit & review: To comprehensively audit your website, start with tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz. These tools provide insights into broken links, site speed, and potential penalties that might affect your rankings.
  • Keyword research: Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest can help you identify trending holiday-specific keywords. Given the ever-changing consumer behavior and pandemic-induced shifts this season, people might be searching differently. Stay updated.
  • Analytics: Google Analytics 4 remains a cornerstone for tracking website traffic and user behavior. Ensure it’s properly set up to monitor holiday traffic spikes and conversions and adjust your strategies based on real-time data.

Technical aspects

  • Site speed: With the influx of holiday traffic, site speed becomes even more crucial. Utilize tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to pinpoint areas of improvement. Remember, even a delay of a few seconds can deter potential customers.
  • Mobile optimization: Most users will likely access your site via mobile devices. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to ensure a seamless mobile experience.
  • Secure & accessible website: Ensure your website is HTTPS—this boosts user trust and is a known ranking factor.


  • Update old content: Your SEO checklist should include revisiting and refreshing top-performing holiday content from previous years. Whether updating product links and prices or adding new insights, make it relevant for 2023 and beyond.
  • Create holiday-themed content: Generate gift guides, tips, or festive how-tos. Ensure this content is valuable to the user and optimized for search with the right keywords.
  • Utilize rich snippets: With recipes, product reviews, and events prevalent this season, rich snippets can make your content stand out in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).
Writing a to list with a red marker | Q4 SEO Checklist for companies

Ongoing research

  • Competitor analysis: Monitor competitors’ strategies. What keywords are they targeting? Are there any backlink opportunities you might be missing? Tools like Ahrefs can provide these insights.
  • Stay up-to-date with algorithm changes: Search engines frequently tweak their algorithms. Subscribe to SEO news sources like Perfect Afternoon News, Search Engine Journal, or the Google Webmasters Blog to stay in the loop.
  • User behavior: Dive deep into analytics to understand how users interact with your content. Are they bouncing off a particular page? Perhaps a specific product is getting more attention? Adjust your strategy based on these insights.

On-Page SEO factors

  • Meta descriptions & titles: Update these with holiday-themed messaging, ensuring they’re enticing and include target keywords.
  • Internal linking: Guide your visitors through a journey on your site. For instance, a blog post about festive recipes can link to a product page selling ingredients or kitchenware.
  • Optimized images: Use relevant alt texts to ensure they’re compressed for faster loading.

While the 2023 Q4 SEO Checklist presents businesses with immense opportunities to capitalize on the holiday season, it also brings intense competition. It’s a time when every detail counts, and a robust SEO strategy can be the edge you need to stand out.

Remember, the beauty of SEO lies in its dynamism. It’s not just about setting and forgetting it but continuously adapting and evolving. Take notes, plan and execute, and always measure.

Contact Perfect Afternoon for SEO services

SEO is a whirlwind for many. Even with teams of staff, a checklist for search engine optimization can be overwhelming. Sometimes, a fresh set of eyes looking at the math problem can provide insight and new tactics for your strategy.

Need a hand? Contact Perfect Afternoon for a consultation.

Featured Image: Envato Elements

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