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Advertising on Google

Jailyn Glass, marketing manager at Perfect Afternoon
Jailyn Glass

Your Guide to Google Ads

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Google Ads is an online advertising platform where advertisers can pay to display advertisements within Google’s network of web users. Comprised of the Search Network and the Display Network, Google Ads is the largest platform for digital advertising. In this week’s episode, Jailyn and Morgan give tips, tricks, and best practices for advertising with Google Ads. If you aren’t too familiar with this tool and how you can run online advertisements, listen now or read below.

Google Search Network

The Google Search Network only shows text advertisements on search-related websites and apps. When your audience searches for particular items, your ad can show for it if it’s related to one of your keywords. This Network is helpful if you want to share quick messages about upcoming launches, sales, special announcements, and general information about your company. PA only runs ads on the Search Network, where we promote the agency and bring in leads.

Some benchmarks averages for the Search Network are:

  • CPC: $2.69
  • Conversion Rate: 3.75%
  • CTR: 3.17%

Google Display Network

The Google Display Network shows graphic image advertisements on partner websites (like YouTube), Gmail, mobile devices, and apps. This ad type is useful for disseminating branding and is more engaging with users than search ads. Display ads can visually show off a product, which can help you convert more customers. PA has created and managed Display Network campaigns for many clients, and we have observed that this ad type is best for brand awareness campaigns. Creating ads on this Network will depend on your company’s sales’ goals and creative assets.

Here are some benchmarks averages for Google Display Network as well:

  • CPC: $0.63
  • Conversion Rate: 0.77%
  • CTR: 0.46%

Tips & Tricks

  • Give your campaigns and advertisements time (at least 7 days) to run, learn your audience, and populate results. This allows Google’s algorithm to understand how your ads will run and give them great potential to show to your intended audience.
  • Conduct keyword research before writing your ad copy. As you know, we cannot stress keyword research enough when it comes to having content online. This research allows you to find key phrases and words that your audience searches online that’ll increase your visibility and traffic.
  • Start your campaign with a broad target, so Google can conduct its learning phase, then narrow it down once the phase has ended. We’ve found this to be most beneficial for our clients when managing their campaigns.
  • Lastly, pack your patience. While you could be doing everything right, something can always go wrong. Review your changes in the Change History tab and modify your campaign as you go to learn from your mistakes.
PA Manages Google Ads Campaigns

Do you run, or want to run, paid to advertise for your company? If you like help with this feature, let PA help maximize your spend and increase your return on investment by managing your Google Ads campaigns. We specialize in the Search and Display Networks. Contact us today!

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